Global Apostolic International Network Corporation, GAIN, is a domestic 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation registered in the State of Georgia for the purpose of conducting Christian ministry and any legal activity by non-profit corporations under the laws of the State of Georgia under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America. This corporation was established by Dr. Apostle Ariel Robles and is organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, and charitable purposes.
GAIN is an apostolic ministry devised to help nurture relationships in ministry through creating friendships while at the same time, sharing accountability and ministry oversight with seasoned ministers. The relationships will include those within the five fold ministry who may be associated with other apostolic networks, with churches or with established ministries. GAIN has been designed to be a network organization that will seek out relationships with others of like faith in order to promote stronger alliances in the Kingdom of God.
Within our own network, it is our desire to see relative ministries growing and prospering in the right direction. GAIN desires to relate to others in a family type relationship that will provide benefits such as ordination and oversight within its own network for Churches, Ministries, Pastors and ministry leaders. We know that ministries without proper apostolic oversight and accountability could fall into pitfalls in which they might not recover. We have seen such a need for spiritual fathers and mothers to step forward in order to help nurture those who are operating as orphans in the body of Christ for one reason or another.
GAIN believes that their apostolic role is to combine the resources of many relationships in order to give care to all associated ministries associated with them.
GAIN believes that there must be governing factors in place such as apostolic ministries in order to support and give oversight to churches and ministries in the body of Christ.
GAIN will be made up of several apostles who will serve its relative ministries with their ministry skills and experience as seasoned ministers.
GAIN believes in educating ministers through our School of the Supernatural.