Session 1:
Unity in Diversity
Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts of Revelation
Word of Wisdom
Word of Knowledge
Discernment of Spirits
Session 2:
Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts of Inspiration
Kinds of Tongues
Interpretation of Tongues
Session 3:
Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts of Power
Gifts of Healing
Charisma vs Character
Session 4:
Five fold Ministry
The Apostle
The Prophet
Session 5:
Five fold Ministry
The Prophet
The Pastor
Session 6:
Five fold Ministry
The Teacher
The Evangelist
Session 7:
Four Dimensions of Prophecy
Anyone Can Prophesy
Session 8:
Prophets & Prophecy
Keys on How to Judge a Prophetic Word
Personal Prophecy
Session 9:
Prophets & prophecy
Supernatural Dimensions
Session 10:
Prophets & Judgments
False prophets
Session 11:
Opposing Spirits
Personal Prophecy: Healing
Personal Prophecy: Match Making
Personal Prophecy: Financial Prosperity
Session 12:
Personal Prophecy: Gender
Prophetic Presbitery
Prophetic Protocol
Session 13 (Future):